IoT Products

In the near future, the smartest products will connect not just to the Web but also to a whole network of
people.There is a new wave of connected objects on the horizon. The real change will happen when products
aren't just connected, but social. Instead of the Internet of Things, we should be thinking about the Social Network
of Things. To take advantage of this shift, you need to start thinking about the social life of your products. is a common platform with added security features to share IoT sensor data among the users, which is
more similar to a "Social Network for Internet of Things". It stores all the sensor data of the registered users in a
graph database, and allowing others to subscribe to read and write to those sensors through a defined API, with
some added security features. Once the user approved the read or write access to his device for another user, he
can take control over the device according to his level of access permission. With the emerging trend of
connected devices, this would be the next useful platform to accommodate all the devices and we are the ones
who capable of processing all the bigdata coming from those sensors.
We are creating the platform for the inventors and entrepreneurs to use and build their own applications.

Technical Specification

Cobweb is a cloud platform designed to accommodate all the devices using industry level communication protocols, such as mqtt, coap and http.