Aetheros launches eSIM for smarter grids - IoT global network

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Aetheros launches eSIM for smarter grids

February 27, 2024

Posted by: Magda Dabrowska

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Aetheros has announced that it has added GSMA remote SIM provisioning (RSP) support to its flagship software product AetherOS (AOS). Utilities customers can now provision their smart grid eSIMs for the fast, reliable and secure AT&T nationwide network.

In North America, AetherOS is available on the Aclara I-210+c and kV2c Gen 5 smart meters. Utilities need secure, reliable and resilient wireless connectivity to deliver new services to customers and connect to their customers’ smart meters. With remote SIM provisioning, utility companies have the power of choice and flexibility to deploy AMI 2.0 on public, private or hybrid networks.

“Working with AT&T, we have developed a secure and scalable eSIM solution for utility companies that want to build out private 4G/5G LTE networks,” said Ray Bell,  the founder and CEO of Aetheros. “By adding eSIM support to AOS, these utilities now have a zero-cost option for migrating their smart meters between their private and public LTE networks.”

AetherOS is an open standards-based network operating system and edge computing platform based on Linux. At the core of AOS is its oneM2M compliant IoT Service Layer software with integrated OMA SpecWorks compliant LightweightM2M support, that together provide devices and applications with secure, reliable, and scalable device, application, and network management services. This rich set of services provided by the AOS open standards based IoT Service Layer enables utilities to securely and deploy and manage their intelligent edge applications on market leading residential, commercial and industrial smart meters.

“AT&T is committed to assisting utilities that are using advanced 4G/5G cellular networking in their next-generation smart metering infrastructure network buildouts,” said David Garver, a Area vice president, AT&T Connected Solutions. “AT&T has a long history of working with utilities customers providing fast, reliable and secure telecommunications services. By working with Aetheros to deliver eSIM support for smart meters, AT&T is empowering utilities to deploy LTE smart meters on the AT&T nationwide network and their private networks.”

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